Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Zeno of Elea (490 BC - 430 BC)

Lifespan: born between 490 and 488 BC - died around 430 BC
Primary Base of Operations: Greek city of Elea
Schools of Thought: Eleatic
Other Occupations: Mathematician and physicist
Teacher: Parmenides

- True Being is absolutely one; there is in it no plurality. True Being is absolutely static and unchangeable.
- Known most for his paradoxes:
- The flying arrow is at rest. At any given moment it is in a space equal to its own length, and therefore is at rest at that moment. So, it's at rest at all moments. The sum of an infinite number of these positions of rest is not a motion.
- If we assume that a line segment is composed of a multiplicity of points, then we can always bisect a line segment, and every bisection leaves us with a line segment that can itself be bisected. Continuing with the bisection process, we never come to a point, a stopping place, so a line cannot be composed of points.
- The many, the line, must be both limited and unlimited in number of points. It must be limited because it is just as many (points) as it is, no more, and less. It is therefore, a definite number, and a definite number is a finite or limited number. However, the many must also be unlimited in number, for it is infinitely divisible. Therefore, it's contradictory to suppose a line is composed of a multiplicity of points.

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